What is Narcissism?
If you’ve done any reading about narcissism, you’ve probably come across words like “vain,” “entitled,” “arrogant,” or “grandiose.” While words like these dominate pop-culture articles on narcissism, most people only have half of the picture.
A Brief Video Explaining the Concept of Narcissism
Narcissism exists on a spectrum from healthy self-esteem to severe personality disorder. The essential issue or conflict is maintaining a stable and positive self-image.
What is Narcissism Part 1: The Problem with NPD
Narcissists are often portrayed as villains: evil, vain, manipulative, and cruel. Such portrayals rest on the problematic DSM-5 definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and research supporting it using the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI). Unfortunately, neither the DSM construct nor the NPI actually describe or measure mental illness. Instead, they both describe a personality type that is maladaptive in some settings, but highly adaptive in others.
In this video, Dr. Ettensohn breaks down the highly stigmatized concept of narcissism, citing recent research that calls the validity and utility of the DSM model of NPD into question.
What is Narcissism Part 2: A Functional Definition of Narcissism
In this video, narcissism specialist Dr. Mark Ettensohn builds on the foundation of Part 1, discussing grandiose and vulnerable dimensions of pathological narcissism, and highlighting important recent research developments like the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI), a full-spectrum measure of the disorder.
Principles and Guidelines for Treating NPD: Psychodynamic Perspective
An overview of the psychodynamic approach to treating pathological narcissism, touching on key theoretical contributions of Otto Kernberg and Heinz Kohut, and discussing the manualized therapy models of Transference-focused Psychotherapy (TFP) and Mentalization-based Treatment (MBT). General treatment recommendations for clinicians working with narcissism are provided.
The Internet Is Confused About Narcissism
A short video to address widespread confusion and stigma about narcissism.